A Heterogeneous Parallel Packet Processing Architecture for NFV Acceleration

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Network function virtualization (NFV) offers a new way to design, deploy and manage networking services. It is of vital importance to exploit heterogeneous parallelism between hardware and software, in order to improve virtulization performance and quality of virtualized network services. In this poster, we propose a novel heterogeneous parallel architecture that highly exploits the parallelism inside packet processing, and implementation efficacy with hardware processing engines and software threads. We present two packet processing pipelines with three implemented VNF instances to better demonstrate the efficiency of heterogeneous parallelism in accelerating NFV. We show the performance of our proposed architecture with various virtualized requirements and traffics in a well-deployed network environment. Experimental results reveal that it can achieve accelerated NFV performance, as well as provide a wide class of VNFs to improve the quality of virtualized network services.

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